Dustin Stokes
Below is a *mostly* updated list of academic and popular publications. Some links are provided. And PDFs of most articles can be found on PhilPapers. Or available by request. For publication metrics, see my Google Scholar profile.
Creative Agency, w/ Elliot Paul, Oxford University Press (under contract/in preparation)
Thinking and Perceiving: On the malleability of the mind, New Problems of Philosophy Series, London, Routledge (May 2021)
Edited volume
Perception and its Modalities, Edited with Stephen Biggs and Mohan Matthen, Oxford University Press (2014)
Articles in peer-reviewed journals
“Introduction to A Symposium on Thinking & Perceiving”, Philosophical Studies (2023)
“Perceptual malleability: Attention, Imagination, Objectivity: A Reply to Commentators: Kind, O’Callaghan, Wu” Philosophical Studies (2023)
“Précis of Thinking and Perceiving” A Symposium on Thinking and Perceiving, for Philosophy and the Mind Sciences (2023)
“How radical is perceptual malleability: Reply to Commentators: Adams, Drayson, Mole, Mroczko-Wąsowicz, in A Symposium on Thinking and Perceiving, for Philosophy and the Mind Sciences (2023)
“Précis of Thinking and Perceiving” A Symposium on Thinking and Perceiving, for Journal of Consciousness Studies 30 (3): 181-91 (2023)
“Defending the malleability of perception: Reply to Commentators: Dokic, Orlandi, & Vetter” A Symposium on Thinking and Perceiving, for Journal of Consciousness Studies 30(3): 222-37 (2023)
“Creativity.” w/ Elliot Paul, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (2023)
“Visual Expertise is More Than Meets the Eye: An examination of holistic visual processing in radiologists and architects” w/ Ivy, Spencer ; Rohovit, Taren ; Stefanick, Jeanine ; Mills, Megan & Drew, Trafton. Journal of Medical Imaging 10 (1):1-15 (2023).
“The Integrity of Motivated Vision: A Reply to Gilchrist.” w/ Harber, Kent & Stefanucci, Jeanine. Perception 50(4): 287-93 (2021).
“Through the eyes of the expert: Evaluating holistic processing in architects through gaze-contingent viewing.” w/ Ivy, Spencer; Rohovit, Taren; Lavelle, Mark; Padilla, Lace; Stefanucci, Jeanine& Drew, Trafton. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review 1:1-9 (2021)
“On perceptual expertise” Mind & Language 36 (2): 241-263 (2021).
“Memory, imagery, and self-knowledge” Avant: Trend in Interdisciplinary Studies. Special Issue: Thinking with Images 10 (2) (2019)
“Mental imagery and fiction” Canadian Journal of Philosophy 49 (6): 731-754 (2018)
“Attention and the cognitive penetrability of perception” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 96(2): 303-18 (2018)
“Noise, Uncertainty, and Interest: Predictive Coding and Cognitive Penetration”-w/ Jonna Vance, Consciousness and Cognition 47: 86-98 (2017)
“Commentary on Balcetis: On some limits to the motivational direction approach” w/ Jeanine Stefanucci, Emotion Review (2016)
“Modular architectures and informational encapsulation: A dilemma”-w/ Vincent Bergeron, European Journal for the Philosophy of Science 5 (3): 315-38 (2015).
“Cognitive penetration and the perception of art” Dialectica 68(1): 1-34 (2014)-Winner of 2012 Dialectica Essay Prize
“Is perception cognitively penetrable? A philosophically satisfying and empirically testable reframing” Symposium w/ Gary Lupyan, Fiona Macpherson, Rasha Rahman, and Robert Goldstone, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 1: 91-2 (2013)
“Cognitive penetrability of perception,” Philosophy Compass 8 (7):646-663 (2013)
“Perceiving and Desiring: A New Look at the Cognitive Penetrability of Experience,” Philosophical Studies 158(3): 477-92 (2012)
“Minimally Creative Thought,” Metaphilosophy 42(5): 658-81 (2011)
“Aesthetics and Cognitive Science,” Philosophy Compass 4: 715-33 (2009)
“Minimal Creativity, Evaluation, and Fractal Discrimination” co-authored with Jon Bird, in A. Cardoso and G. Wiggins (eds) Proceedings of the 4th International Joint Workshop on Computational Creativity (2007)
“Incubated Cognition and Creativity,” Journal of Consciousness Studies 14: 83-100 (2007)
“The Evaluative Character of Imaginative Resistance,” British Journal of Aesthetics 46: 347-405 (2006)
"Evolving Minimally Creative Robots" co-authored with J. Bird, in S. Colton and A. Pease (eds) Proceedings of The Third Joint Workshop on Computational Creativity, European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1-5 (2006)
Articles in peer-reviewed volumes
“Psychedelic experience, aesthetic experience, and well-being” in H. Maes, Psychedelics and Aesthetics, Oxford: Oxford University Press (commissioned)
“Empirical Treatments of Creativity” in A. Kind and J. Langkau (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Imagination and Creativity, Oxford: Oxford University Press (2024)
“Perceptual skills”, w/ Bence Nanay, in E. Fridland and C. Pavese (eds), The Routledge Handbook on Skill and Expertise, London: Routledge (2020)
“Cognitive penetration and colour”, in D. Brown and F. Macpherson (eds) The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Colour, London: Routledge (2020)
“Attributing creativity” w/ E. Paul, in B. Gaut and M. Kieran (Eds) Creativity and Philosophy, London: Routledge (2018)
“Rich perceptual content and aesthetic properties”, in A. Bergqvist and R. Cowan, Evaluative Perception, Oxford University Press (2018)
“Imagination and creativity”, in A. Kind (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of the Imagination, London: Routledge (2016)
“Naturalistic approaches to creativity”, w/ E. Paul, Blackwell Companion to Experimental Philosophy, Ed. W. Buckwalter and J. Systma, Blackwell (2016)
“Towards a consequentialist understanding of cognitive penetration” in A. Raftopoulos and J. Zeimbekis (eds) Cognitive penetrability, Oxford University Press (2015)
“The dominance of the visual”, co-authored w/ Stephen Biggs, in D. Stokes, S. Biggs, and M. Matthen (eds) Perception and its Modalities, New York: Oxford University Press (2014)
“Sorting the senses”, co-authored with Stephen Biggs and Mohan Matthen, in D. Stokes, S. Biggs, and M. Matthen (eds) Perception and its Modalities, New York: Oxford University Press (2014)
“The role of imagination in creativity” in E. Paul and S.B. Kaufman (eds) The Philosophy of Creativity, New York: Oxford University Press (2014)
“Evolutionary Robotics and Creative Constraints” co-authored with J. Bird, in B. Hardy-Vallée and N. Payette (eds) Beyond the Brain: Embodied, Situated and Distributed Cognition, Cambridge Scholars Publishing (2008)
“A Metaphysics of Creativity,” in K. Stock and K. Thompson-Jones, (eds) New Waves in Aesthetics, Ashgate Publishers (2008)
“Art and Modal Knowledge,” in M. Kieran and D. Lopes (eds) Knowing Art: Essays in Epistemology and Aesthetics, Springer Press (2006)
“Review of The Rationality of Perception, by Susanna Siegel” Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 6 (2018)
“Review of Aesthetics as Philosophy of Perception by Bence Nanay” Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 8 (2016)
“Review of The Aesthetic Mind: Philosophy and Psychology, Ed. E. Schellekens and P. Goldie,” Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 72(2)-206-9 (2014)
“Review of Seeing, Doing, and Knowing by Mohan Matthen,” British Journal of Aesthetics 3: 46: 323-5 (2006)
“Review of Recreative Minds by Gregory Currie and Ian Ravenscroft,” Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 62: 406-7 (2004)
Other/Popular/Non-academic publications and media
Podcast on AI & Creativity-For James Finestone’s Dream Machine, Jan 2025
On Art and Artificial Intelligence, w/ Elliot Paul, for Aesthetics for Birds, Nov 2023
‘Computer creativity is a matter of agency’, w/ Elliot Paul, for iAi News, Sept 2021
Symposium on my Thinking and Perceiving, The Brains Blog, Commentators: Becko Copenhaver, John Zeimbekis, Jonna Vance, 2021
Interview with Dept of Cognitive Studies, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, Oct 2021
Interview-Interalia Magazine, “Creativity, Imagination, and Philosophy,” May 2019